Restoration of a rolled up photograph by Sebastian Wintermute Studio New York
By accessing this website, you signify that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you are not permitted to use the Service. These Terms have the same force and effect as an agreement in writing.

Sebastian Wintermute is an independent creative services provider and reserves the right to refuse service for artistic, creative, ethical, technical, personal, or any other reasons.


Copyrights and Privacy A customer expresses the right to reproduce the submitted images under copyright law. All materials provided for restoration and reproduction are accepted on the strict understanding that the client owns the copyright or that permission has been obtained from the owner. The Customer agrees to be held liable for any costs associated with court action resulting from a violation of copyright.

All original materials presented on this website, including but not limited to images, text, source code, etc., unless stated otherwise, cannot be copied, duplicated, or distributed by any means without an expressed permission. Any unauthorized use of all or any part of the name, images, text, source code, and any other intellectual property is liable to give rise to legal proceedings.

Sebastian Wintermute accepts no liability or responsibility for any materials or information other than on this web site, which is published, posted or transmitted without an expressed written permission.


Credits Proper credits must be provided whenever the work created by Sebastian Wintermute is used or displayed. This includes but is not limited to printed publications, interactive media, film and video production and any and all commercial uses.

Sebastian Wintermute will be provided with a copy of the final product his work was used in, signed by the author, the artist, or the principal performer. Sebastian Wintermute is entitled to fair compensation for commercial use of all work produced by him upon the request of a client.

In accordance with United States and International copyright laws Sebastian Wintermute reserves the right to use the images, documents and any other materials that have been submitted for restoration or consideration, for promotional purposes such as publication on a web site, inclusion into promotional materials and any other medium.

Any image restoration or retouching of which goes beyond removal of the damages or on which the original content has been modified on or over three quarters of the total area is considered to be an original work by Sebastian Wintermute and is subject to United States and International copyright laws.


Limits and Liabilities Sebastian Wintermute uses the utmost care in handling clients' documents, prints, transparencies, and negatives. Sebastian Wintermute makes all reasonable efforts to handle all customer materials in a manner that avoids handling or misuse by unauthorized parties.

Sebastian Wintermute will reasonably execute clients clear, complete instructions. If a client fails to provide such instructions or fails to provide timely replies to any updates, requests for feedback, or additional information, Sebastian Wintermute reserves the right to complete the work to the best of his abilities and judgment, or to stop all the work and return all the original materials to the client. In such a case, no refund will be issued on the deposit or any other amount paid by the client.

While Sebastian Wintermute can assure high-quality service in photographic reproduction, Sebastian Wintermute is not liable for any damages due to its failure to restore photographs in a manner that is deemed satisfactory by the customer, delay in delivering the product, or any technical problem or loss or destruction of files, prints, transparencies, or negatives due to circumstances beyond the control of Sebastian Wintermute. Exact color matching is not guaranteed due to the limitations of photographic materials and viewing conditions.


Submitting any photographs, documents, files, CDs, film, print, or any other items to Sebastian Wintermute for retouching, restoration, archiving, or printing constitutes an agreement by the client to assume full liability for any damages or losses that may occur during the delivery of the items and to release Sebastian Wintermute from any liability for any damages to the items that may occur during the restoration process. The client agrees to pay in full any additional cost of insurance that the client may request to protect the items during shipment, during the restoration process, or to personally purchase such insurance.

Sebastian Wintermute will not be liable for any damage that occurred during the delivery of the materials by any third party to or from the studio and reserves the right to refuse the work or change the estimate price if the items arrive damaged or were not shipped according to instructions and guidelines.

All projects originated by new, out-of-state, or remote clients must be paid in full, in advance.

Sebastian Wintermute reserves the right to refuse the restoration of photographs, images, or documents that contain writings, symbols, or depictions of scenes that may be considered to promote any ideology of hatred, oppression, or discrimination, unless such photographs, images, or documents are needed for legitimate research or publication. Any pornographic, obscene, or abusive images will not be accepted, and any image appearing to show criminal activities will be reported to the proper authorities.


Customers will abstain from posting any negative ratings, reviews, or comments accessible to the public without prior attempt to resolve an issue personally and in good faith.

Posting any derogatory, abusive comment or remarks may and will result in charges being brought against the author and any business or organization they may represent.


Sebastian Wintermute Photo Restoration Studio on Facebook    E-mail Sebastian Wintermute Restoration Studio for an Appointment    By accessing this website you signify that you read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the Terms of Services.
These Terms of Services have the same force and effect as an agreement in writing.
If you do not agree to these Terms, you are not permitted to use the Services.

© 2024 Sebastian Wintermute Studio