Restoration of a rolled up photograph by Sebastian Wintermute Studio New York

Right to Refuse Service

Sebastian Wintermute is an independent creative services provider and reserves the right to refuse service for artistic, creative, ethical, technical, or personal reasons.

Sebastian Wintermute reserves the right to refuse the restoration of photographs, images, or documents that contain writings, symbols, or depictions of scenes that may be considered to promote any ideology of hatred, oppression, or discrimination, unless such photographs, images, or documents are needed for legitimate research or publication. Any pornographic, obscene, or abusive images will not be accepted, and any image appearing to show criminal activities will be reported to the proper authorities.

Customers will abstain from posting any negative ratings, reviews, or comments accessible to the public without prior attempt to resolve an issue personally and in good faith.

Posting any derogatory, abusive comment or remarks may and may result in charges being brought against the author and any business or organization they may represent.



If Cat Weaver indeed started by consulting a professional before attempting to restore a family heirloom photograph with Super Glue and nearly destroying it in the process, she would not have to try to cover her embarrassment by blaming others, posting false and derogatory reviews, and lowering herself to name calling and online harassment. On 7/13/21 Cat Weaver wrote: Hello, Sebastian Wintermute Studio: My husband’s grandparent’s wedding photo, probably circa 1930 needs serious restoration, or, at least some sort of image preservation... More sadly, I attempted to super glue it — major fail and more staining along the edges. Sebastian Wintermute Studio on Google:

On 7/13/21 Cat Weaver wrote:
"Hello, Sebastian Wintermute Studio: My husband’s grandparent’s wedding photo, probably circa 1930 needs serious restoration, or, at least some sort of image preservation... More sadly, I attempted to super glue it — major fail and more staining along the edges."

If Cat Weaver started by consulting a professional before attempting to restore a family heirloom photograph with Super Glue and nearly destroying it in the process, she would not have to try to cover her embarrassment by blaming others, posting false and derogatory reviews, and lowering herself to name calling and on-line harassment.


On 7/13/21 Cat Weaver wrote: Hello, Sebastian Wintermute Studio: My husband’s grandparent’s wedding photo, probably circa 1930 needs serious restoration, or, at least some sort of image preservation... More sadly, I attempted to super glue it — major fail and more staining along the edges. On 7/13/21, Following e-mail exchange and phone conversation Cat Weaver posted the following review on Google and Yelp:

My advice: if you need help preserving or restoring an unusual photo and don't know where to start: don't start with Sebastian Wintermute Studio.

My own very polite e-mail request for Mr. Wintermute's services engendered a strange, rude and very unhelpful response.

Instead of simply advising me, he imagined a phone conversation we did not have and lectured me. This was a mere e-mail request for services, mind you. The man could have simply said no. He could have advised me about what sort of photo I was dealing with; he could have directed me to more appropriate services.

Still stranger, the negative review I posted on Yelp was greeted with insinuations that I am part of a cabal of meanies trying to bring Wintermute Studio down. Sideways insinuations that I might be an antisemite really waylaid me.

The photos I sent along with my e-mail were of my husband's Jewish ancestors!

Anyhoo: I'd avoid the agro and seek advice from someone who won't respond with tantrums and imaginary persecutors. For evidence supporting this review, just look at Mr. Wintermute's responses.


Even more disturbing, over the years Sebastian Wintermute encountered a number of individuals who with lies and half-truths tried to take advantage of services offered exclusively to Combat Veterans of WWII, Holocaust Survivors, and Gold Star Families in recognition of their service, sacrifice, and suffering.

Hungarian 22nd Waffen SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Maria TheresiaIt was often found that those individuals never suffered the horrors of the front-line combat or the Holocaust, or, even worse, served in the ranks of the Waffen SS, the NKVD (Stalin's secret police), or belonged to internationally recognized hate groups. Such individuals were denied services with a warning of potential legal actions taken against them personally and organizations they represent




WWII US Black Troops Stolen ValorKylie Madhav wrote:

I'm still trying to reconcile the overwhelmingly positive reviews Sebastian has received on Google with my experience interacting with him…

This was truly among the strangest and most unpleasant interactions that I've ever had with a company. I actually wondered if someone had hacked Sebastian's email, because, if not, it is truly difficult to imagine why Sebastian would be so intent on sabotaging his own business…

I don't understand Sebastian's behavior, but I do know that my grandfather - who fought for this country at a time when Black people like him were still subject to Jim Crow codes throughout the country - deserved much better treatment.


By lying about her grandfather’s status as Combat Veteran, Kylie Madhav also known as Kylie Armentha Aquino Waddy, and holds a position as Senior Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at SAGE, insulted the legacy of those WWII Black Soldiers who did fight for their country, faced the enemy in combat, and made the ultimate sacrifice to defeat the scourge of Nazism in Europe and of racial discrimination in their homeland.Sebastian Wintermute Studio replied:

By lying about her grandfather’s status as Combat Veteran, Kylie Madhav also known as Kylie Armentha Aquino Waddy, and holds a position as Senior Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) at SAGE, insulted the legacy of those WWII Black Soldiers who did fight for their country, faced the enemy in combat, and made the ultimate sacrifice to defeat the scourge of Nazism in Europe and of racial discrimination in their homeland.

With this Kylie Madhav also put shame on her grandfather’s humble yet much appreciated service with 457th Quartermaster Laundry Company that for the duration of WWII was stationed in Witney, Oxfordshire countryside (UK), hundreds of miles away from the combat zone.



All clients are required to make an appointment. Since Jei H called on Friday, they were kindly offered an earliest possible appointment for the following week. If that made us F#cking Jews, as Jei H stated, that made Jei H nothing but a F#cking Racist.
Shame on Yelp for promoting hate speech and anti-semitism on the website.


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© 2024 Sebastian Wintermute Studio