Photo Restoration Service in New York City


For over twenty years Sebastian Wintermute Studio has been situated in the historic Lower East Side of Manhattan. From there, he provides a comprehensive restoration, preservation and archiving service with a focus on historic photographs, and those photographs that hold great sentimental and personal significance.

Please call 212-598-5847 or e-mail with any questions you may have or if you require additional information.

To schedule a consultation please e-mail the following:

  • Client's name and contact information
  • Scans or clear snapshots of the items to be restored
    (Please e-mail all images in JPG or TIFF formats, resolution 300dpi)
  • Brief descriptions of the items including sizes, colors, and materials
  • Any requests and suggestions concerning restoration treatment


Regretfully, Sebastian Wintermute no longer offers personal consultations in Florida or California.
We apologize for any inconveniences and invite you to call or e-mail to set up a phone or on-line consultation.


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